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army mission statement examples

Army Mission Statement Examples - Our message is based on the Bible. Our ministry is driven by God's love. Our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet the needs of the people in His name without discrimination.

Our identity, vision and work given to us by God as disciples of Jesus Christ are shaped by the precious ways of the Kingdom of God as we love God and love others, and Jesus in a full life for all. Our values ​​are defined as statements of our goals to help guide the way we live.

Army Mission Statement Examples

Army Mission Statement Examples

We will try with courage and confidence to fulfill our five main goals: sharing the gospel, seeking justice and reconciliation, raising disciples of Jesus, serving others without discrimination, caring for the environment;

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We will serve God with steadfast love and grace as our pattern of conduct, discrimination towards the poor and the marginalized;

We will bring our best qualities, God-given strengths and beliefs to our work, service and learning, whether we are officers, members, staff or volunteers;

We will accept each person with dignity created in the image of God, appreciating their differences, seeking to serve each other to grow and change in God's love.

We will be honest and transparent in all our dealings with each other and those we serve, being open about our purpose and agenda;

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We will voluntarily and freely give a full account of our actions to those we work with and expect the same in return, recognizing the relationship between personal responsibility and accountability. April 13, 2020 October 24, 2022 John 3074 comments 1 Comment Air Force Command Philosophy , Army Command Philosophy , Coast Guard Command Philosophy , Command Philosophy , USMC Command Philosophy 13 min Read

Hi, I'm John Laney, a 20-year-old explosives disposal officer. Five years ago I almost failed the Executive Officer Selection Board when I fumbled and couldn't answer the question "What are you studying?" it's ok.

Right after the navy removed the flag I learned from this experience and decided to write about my lifelong journey of learning and learning. You can read the whole story here.

Army Mission Statement Examples

Come learn with me on the go, learn life and personal growth, then reach out to me and say "What are you learning?"

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Then go to LinkedIn and join 500+ commanders with them in our Navy (USN/USMC/USCG) Commander's Group or Army (USA/USAF) Commander's Group

BLUF: This article is intended as a one-stop shop for future military commanders to help them write their commander's philosophy. It contains the philosophy, related articles, steps to build your own philosophy and the ability to use more than 20 Army, Navy, Air Force and USMC commander's philosophies as examples. If you find value in this article or think it will help other impression management officers please share the article and follow me on LinkedIn.

Whether you know it or not, you already have a philosophy. You already have a way of seeing the world, responding to the world and exercising power in your corner of the world. Furthermore, if you have reached a stage in your career where the philosophy of command applies, you already have a set way of working for yourself, your subordinates, and your superiors. Confirmed by officials. However, as a future CEO, your next step is to take this informal philosophy and formalize it into a product that your subordinates can use to guide their actions.

Philosophy The word conjures up marble statues of Aristotle, professors in frock coats, and books on meaning. While the simplest definition of philosophy is "the love of wisdom," unfortunately that definition is not the least helpful because there are many kinds of wisdom, many ways to pursue that wisdom, and many ways to communicate that wisdom. Even philosophers disagree on how this should be done.

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A better working definition of philosophy would be "the work people do when they try to understand basic truths about themselves". Thus the philosophy of command is a document that describes basic truths about a manager and how he wants to relate to his command. Once we understand ourselves first, we can use that understanding to define how we should act. And only once we can define that course for ourselves can we define that course of action for our sailors. Therefore, before attempting to write a philosophy of instruction, one must "know oneself".

In order to "know yourself" properly, a person must be aware of positive events and developments in his life, known as milestones. Milestones are changes that cause people to look at life differently, gain a new perspective on themselves, or change what they believe it means. Examples might include war, working for an old or poor leader, the birth of your first child, death, losing your job, or something as unusual as learning the value of hard work while working with your grandfather in the summer.

Looking at your personal score will help take your philosophy to the back of your mind as you move to the next step in prioritizing your values.

Army Mission Statement Examples

Since no one can focus on all things at all times, decisions between costs must be made based on neutral choices. For example, strength and endurance are both good, but depending on the situation, what do you prefer? Also, we know that both generals and experts have strengths and weaknesses, but which type of team should you choose? Thinking about these priorities and articulating them clearly in your command philosophy will help your sailors understand you, how you think and, most importantly, understand how they should think. When you are not there.

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With important events, and key values ​​at the forefront of your mind, now is the time to write them down in a way that your subordinates can read, understand and make decisions. If your philosophical statements don't help others make decisions in your absence, rewrite them so they do. Here are some examples:

Command Philosophy Dos and Don'ts - After examining the philosophies of many commanders there are several common mistakes and best practices that emerge:

This is where your philosophical instruction really adds value. Every time you travel, talk to soldiers, send an email, or make a speech you want to add philosophy. Remember the beginning of our article with a philosophical statement? If you love truth and are self-aware, then the philosophy of instruction is an extension of your beliefs. Just a piece of paper framed and hanging on a shelf, philosophy becomes your well-thought-out outlet.

When difficult decisions have to be made and you have to decide between moral right and right, you can go back to your philosophy. You can go back to your philosophy when training and correction is needed. You can go back to your philosophy when training your junior officers. You know success has been achieved and your command philosophy has taken hold when you start hearing soldiers using your philosophy in their daily conversations, or better yet, repeating it to you during briefings.

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Because your command philosophy is an effective document it should help your subordinates make decisions. Look and ask yourself "How does this text help my subordinates make decisions when faced with the following situations?"

It might be funny but the person writing this article is not a 1 page manager philosophy. Rather than developing a traditional manager's philosophy, I developed three products that provide great help to me and my command. These products are CO business rules, CO forward, and my individual goals.

CO Business Rules: A simple one-page document that explains how I want to operate as an administrator. It includes instructions on how I choose to receive products, how I choose not to agree, and how best to present information. It's 8 years of what I've learned about myself written down for others to follow. I give this product to people who are just starting out and I occasionally update people on my expectations if I feel like we are going astray.

Army Mission Statement Examples

CO priorities: a one-page PPT where I outline my top management and weekly work priorities. While my functional priorities don't change, my administrative priorities change frequently, depending on our training cycle. I summarize this product every week in my executive summary.

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CO Goals: My personal goals that I write in the back of my green book and don't share with anyone. These goals motivate me to live by my values ​​and lead by example. They remind me everyday of the leader I want to be by wanting others to see and follow my example of leadership.

If you are looking for a traditional command philosophy, below are 24 traditional Army, Navy, Air Force and USMC command philosophies.

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