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vanguard assault rifles

Vanguard Assault Rifles - Call of Duty: Vanguard is finally here, and it brings tons of new weapons! One of the deadliest categories in the new game is, as always, the assault weapon category. The ARs in this game represent some of the most versatile weapons available in the Vanguard, which is, of course, the AR's traditional role in Call of Duty. They should be able to excel in all areas, even if they are not the best in all areas.

We've put together a tiered list that ranks AR from best to worst! Here's our Assault rifle lineup list for Call of Duty: Vanguard!

Vanguard Assault Rifles

Vanguard Assault Rifles

The STG 44 is effective at any and all ranges in Call of Duty: Vanguard, making it a great AR. So whether you turn a corner and face an SMG, or need to take out an enemy roaming the streets of the map, the STG 44 has you covered. The gun also has a quick time to kill and the magazine size is enough to take out a few enemies before reloading. While the game hasn't been released long, players are already raving about this rifle, and for good reason, as it's the best AR in the Vanguard.

Here Is What Is Assault Rifle Alpha & Bravo In Vanguard & Warzone

Yes, that's the real name of the gun. The Volkssturmgewehr, referred to here as the Volk because nobody has time to say the full name, is a great rifle. Volk has a very fast time to kill which makes it very powerful in close range scenarios. The biggest weakness of this gun is that it has high kickback which makes it difficult to control in medium and long range scenarios. But if you can learn the recoil pattern, this gun can shred at any range.

Automation is the second AR you unlock in Vanguard, it's a very solid weapon. This gun is highly accurate and has a very controllable recoil pattern, making it a great option for those who want to use an automatic weapon for long-range engagements. Be warned, this gun isn't going to perform well in your short range encounters, but it's great for long range potential and a lot of fun to use!

The BAR performs well and is definitely capable of great things at long range. Unfortunately, its low rate of fire makes it weak in mid- and short-range combat, which limits the maps and scenarios in which this weapon is supposed to be optimal. Anyone who likes this long-range style of play will love BAR. If you're looking for something that's great at short range, consider the Volk or STG. Either way, BAR is good enough in its chosen role to earn A-Tier status.

It's a weird type of weapon that some people absolutely love and others don't. It has a four-round burst that tightens up nicely, making it a solid explosive option for those who enjoy shotguns. It will definitely be strong at long range, as the time between bursts is long enough that if you miss your first burst, you'll quickly be swamped by nearby enemies. It's a viable weapon, but its limitations will be a concern for some players.

The Best Warzone M1916 Loadouts

The NZ-41 is unique in that it is highly accurate on initial fire, but its recoil quickly diminishes to become uncontrollable. As a result, this gun is either good when shooting at long range, or primarily in close range situations where you can use a lot of damage per shot. Overall, though, this gun is a bit clunky and very difficult, with no positives.

AS44 has an identity crisis. It's a short-range rifle that clearly wants to be an SMG, but pretends to be an AR. This gun has a very high rate of fire and high recoil, so when you need bullets, you often find them coming out. This gun is definitely one of the weakest guns in the AR category. If you click on a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy.

Want to know the best Vanguard season 1 assault rifle? Assault rifles are usually the most popular weapon in any Call of Duty title. In Vanguard, they are also some of the best weapons available. Below, we'll rank all of the assault rifles in Vanguard Season 1 and explain the strengths and weaknesses of each so you can understand the current meta.

Vanguard Assault Rifles

Call of Duty: Vanguard Season 1 introduced the Cooper Carbine, a short-range assault rifle that functions similarly to the SMG. We've updated this guide to include the Cooper Carbine and will continue to add any other assault rifles that come to Vanguard in future chapters. New seasons also bring tweaks and balance patches that can greatly affect different weapons, so check back often to see how our list of the best assault rifles changes as the meta changes.

How To Unlock The Stg44 Assault Rifle In Warzone Before Vanguard Comes Out

The best assault rifle in Vanguard is the STG44. If you want to build the best loadout that lets you laser enemies and dominate any game, the STG44 is a must. Below, you can see where the other assault rifles fell in our rankings, and then read on to see how they all compare and why the STG44 took the top spot.

STG44 is unlocked from the start in Call of Duty: Vanguard, but don't let that fool you. This assault rifle has everything you are looking for. It is powerful, accurate and impressive in any range. There is no right time to remove it, but it can be solved with the right attachments. Focus on attachments that improve damage and bullet speed to make this already impressive assault rifle great. For more information on the detailed list of attachments, see our STG44 class download and setup.

The BAR is back in Call of Duty: Vanguard, and as you'd expect, it does a lot of damage. Able to kill enemies in 2-3 shots. The BAR is very accurate even with very little recoil and is useful at long range. However, it fires very slowly, meaning you'll quickly be outmatched as enemies get closer.

The BAR is the best assault rifle for long-range engagements, but you need to equip a powerful secondary to make sure you're effective at any range. If you equip the Overkill perk, one of the best perks in Call of Duty: Vanguard, you can use the SMG or shotgun to pack more of a punch up close. See our tape loading and class setup for more information.

Assault Rifle Bravo Warzone Changes

The Automaton is very accurate, with very little recoil making it a strong contender among assault rifles. With special attachments to further improve damage range and accuracy, the Automaton becomes a powerful mid-range weapon that maintains a high rate of fire and speeds up its time to kill. Learn how to set up the perfect class with our autoloader guide.

Without an attachment, Volk's advice is hard to come by. It has a high rate of fire, but uncontrolled recoil, making medium-range combat nearly impossible. However, you can carry up to 10 attachments in Call of Duty: Vanguard, and with the right setup, the Volk is very effective. You have to sacrifice fire rate to gain more control over knockback, but Volk still has time to kill, which makes it worth paying attention to. Learn more about how to handle this rifle with our Volk reloading guide.

As mentioned above, the Cooper Carbine is listed as an assault rifle, but it functions like an AR/SMG hybrid. Its high rate of fire and low recoil make it very strong in short-range engagements, but you'll have trouble taking out enemies from a distance. This makes it less practical than the other assault rifles listed above, but you should still test the Cooper Carbine on close chaos maps like Das Haus and Shipment.

Vanguard Assault Rifles

The NZ-41 is weaker than the BAR, but more powerful than other assault rifles and is capable of finishing off enemies in a few shots. However, recoil is very difficult to manage, making long-term fire control difficult.

Cod Vanguard Best Guns List: Top Weapons In Call Of Duty

Using short bursts, the NZ-41 can be very effective at long range. Unfortunately, the slow rate of fire compared to other assault rifles makes the rifle struggle in close-to-medium range encounters. If you want to use this weapon, check out our NZ-41 class loading and tuning for some tips.

The ITRA explosion is a mixed bag. Its performance depends largely on how many shots you fire in the initial burst of four rounds. If you can hit your enemy with every bullet, you will quickly tear them apart and kill them. However, if you miss even a hit or two, you'll have to rely on a second burst.

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